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Assignment 4.1

Watch the video about the First World War.

Answer the questions.

  • List the causes that lead to the Great War.

  • Define the significance of colonial troops.

  • Who fought during the Gallipoli Campaign on the British side? Why was it a fiasco? Who was responsible for it?

Discuss the following quote

‘There can be no partnership between the brave and the effeminate.  We are regarded as cowardly people. If we want to become free from that  reproach, we should learn the use of arms...‘…we should have the ability to bear arms and use them. If we want to  learn the use of arms with the greatest possible dispatch, it is our  duty to enlist ourselves in the Army’

These  commandments were addressed to Indians during the First  World War by Gandhi as he took upon himself to play the recruiting agent to  enlist Indians for imperial British army busy fighting the war.




  • Make prezi about the Arab Revolt during the First World War.




 The empire on which the Sun never set

A short history of the
British Empire
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